Generator sets rebuild
Drekan genset Rebuild program allows to take either your entire machine apart, or just the diesel/gas motor, and then rebuild it, using only new parts and even giving it a new warranty.
If you ever have the opportunity to witness a rebuild, you’d agree; the process is dramatic, with the entire machine being taken apart, part-by-part, piece-by-piece, until it’s unrecognizable. As you can imagine, the team that performs a rebuild includes technicians with unique knowledge and talent, and they share a particular sense of pride and achievement. Many Drekan technicians have told us that being part of that process is a rewarding experience.
inWhy would a customer choose a Certified Rebuild, instead of buying a new machine? The simple reason is that the CAT machines we choose as rebuildable base are built to be rebuilt! There’s more than one life to them and remember, we come back to you with a new PIN and a new warranty. Cost is a good motivator, since even a completely rebuilt piece of equipment will cost up to 40% less than a new one. Sometimes owners or operators like and trust the performance of a favourite machine, and know what it can do for them; other times, strict EPA regulations make it worthwhile to keep an older machine working instead of buying a new one with all the required emissions controls.
Motors featured in our rebuild program : CAT 3508, CAT 3512, CAT 3516, CAT 3520, CAT 3606, CAT 3608, CAT 3612, CAT 3616, Cummins KTA50.

Wind-turbines overhauling
The same way we rebuild generators sets, we can rebuild your wind turbines thus dramatically extending their lifetime. The Drekan-Windtechnics team that performs wind turbines rebuilds includes technicians with unique knowledge and talent, and they share a particular sense of pride and achievement. They all are passionate about wind energy.
Wind Turbines Generators featured in our Rebuild Premium Program : REPOWER MD70, MD77, MM70, MM82, MM92, GE1,5.